In the fall of 1866, the town of Clarks was platted when the railroad laid rails through the area. It was named after Silas H.H. Clark who was a superintendent on the Union Pacific line. In 1869, the post office referred to the Clark’s station as “Clarksville”. The name was changed in 1880 to Clarks. The first general store was opened in 1871 along with the Clarks school district. In the 1900s, Clarks was a thriving community of over 600 people. The Phone Exchange was purchased by Otis Bittinger and remained for three generations. Pollard Propane & Oil was founded in 1917. In 1946, the blacksmith shop was purchased by the Strobel family from W.O. Golder.
Clarks is one of the towns on the US Route 30 Lincoln Highway. The Lincoln Highway was America’s first national memorial to President Abraham Lincoln.
At one time Clarks lacked only one vote in the State Legislature to be the site of the State Capital.

10 Free Trees grant awarded from the Nebraska Statewide Arboretum. The High Plains 5th & 6th grade class along with community members helped plant the trees around town. Thank you for helping to replace trees in the community.